What is Menopause, and How Can Integrative Medicine Help?

NOTE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Each year, 25 million women navigate the transformative stage of menopause, marked by a variety of physical and emotional changes. Symptoms like joint discomfort, fluctuating moods, unexpected weight gain, […]
Navigating the Perimenopausal Journey: Understanding Common Symptoms

Perimenopause is the transitional phase into menopause. It’s a time of significant hormonal and physiological change in a woman’s body. Typically starting in a woman’s 40s, although sometimes earlier, perimenopause has hallmark symptoms that signal a gradual decline in ovarian functionality and fertility (Menopause Society). As the body adapts to fluctuating hormone levels, women experience […]
Unlock Vitality with Hormone Replacement Therapy in Rockwall: A Path to Better Health and Aging Gracefully

It’s impossible to miss the obvious signs of aging, like stiff joints, a lack of energy, hot flashes, grumpy moods, and even less enjoyment behind closed doors. The culprit of aging, at least in part, is decreased hormone production and a lack of hormone balance. Decreased hormone production and imbalances affect men and women in […]
Solutions to Stress Overload

Facebook Instagram Youtube Solutions to Stress Overload And the nagging emotional and physical symptoms tagging along for the ride We all experience stress in our day-to-day lives. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can pose serious health risks and annoying symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, fatigue and weight gain, not to mention stubborn belly fat. […]
The Latest Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction That Really Works

Many men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) as they get older but age is more of a risk factor than a cause. Some men get ED due to a treatable health condition or lifestyle factors, while medications and mental health issues frequently cause ED in otherwise healthy men. If you are struggling with ED, there is […]
Want to Feel Like a Million Bucks?

Facebook Instagram Youtube Get Your Brain, Gut and Immune System in Synch Many people tend to place different chronic illnesses in separate, tidy, little silos and look for cures in pill form. Have high blood pressure? There’s a pill for that. Feeling anxious and depressed? Pop a pill! If you find yourself stuck in this […]
Detox and the Metabolic Code®

Facebook Instagram Youtube Detoxing, Diets and Mental Health How to achieve a smaller waistline and good health—for life Do you want to lose 10 pounds fast or finally lose weight for good? Many people are intrigued by the promises of detox diets. After all, didn’t Beyoncé lose all that weight on the Lemonade Detox Diet? […]
Two Sexual Issues You Don’t Have to Accept

Facebook Instagram Youtube You don’t have to take it anymore! Two Sexual Health Issues You Don’t Have to “Accept” Aging, certain health issues, hormone imbalance, medications and other reasons may be to blame if you’re suffering from sexual dysfunction or urinary incontinence. That doesn’t mean you have to accept it! There are steps you can […]
Hair loss: causes diagnosis and treatment

Hair 101: How normal, healthy hair grows To understand what causes hair loss for men and women, let’s first look at how healthy hair grows. Normal, healthy hair grows and dies in three phases, which include: Anagen phase. The longest phase at about 3 years, this is your hair’s active growing phase. Healthy hair grows […]
Dont let your guard down!

How to protect yourself against viruses like colds, flu and COVID-19 a symptom based strategy. AUTHOR Dr. Terri DeNeui, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC CATEGORY COVID-19 SOCIAL @EVEXIASMEDICAL We’re entering the cold and flu season in conjunction with a potential “second wave” of the coronavirus.
What causes thyroid disorders?

Besides the aging process, there are many things that have been linked to sub-optimal thyroid function. Aside from the ones listed previously, stress, low calorie diets, chronic pain, etc., below are a few others you may not have thought of. Estrogen, Environmental Toxins, Iodine Levels and More It has long been accepted that estrogen has […]