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Hair Loss in Men and Women

Causes & How to Solve It

In many cases, the root cause of hair loss is related to hormone imbalance brought on by stress or aging. Discover what causes hair loss in men and women. 

According to research, hair loss affects around 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. While people naturally lose around 50 to 100 strands each day, you may notice that you have started losing more hair than normal. 

Common causes of hair loss

Excessive hair loss is linked to a variety of factors – aging, stress, autoimmune disorders, nutritional deficiencies, and hormone imbalance. The key to addressing hair loss is getting to the root cause. In many cases, there are effective treatments for hair loss. Many different types of therapies are available to help people suffering from hair loss stop the loss and restore growth. 

The causes and treatments of hair loss are often different for men and women. When you schedule a consultation with an EVEXIAS Medical Center practitioner, you will get a diagnosis and treatment plan specific to your needs, lifestyle, and goals. 

Hair Loss in Men

The most common causes of hair loss in men include:

In men, hormonal changes are often linked to low testosterone. When a man’s testosterone levels drop or estrogen levels rise, many men lose their hair. There are several factors that can cause these imbalances, including:

Hair Loss in Women

The most common causes of hair loss in women include:

Are you experiencing symptoms of hair loss?

As you can see, many of these symptoms of hair loss in men and women overlap. Three of the most common root causes of hair loss in women and men include hormonal imbalance, chronic stress, and adrenal fatigue. 

When under chronic stress, you may also notice changes in your hair. Stress impairs the stem cells in your hair follicles, which prevents normal hair growth. 

Stress also triggers your body to produce higher levels of cortisol. This puts a strain on your adrenal glands, which can become overworked to the point of exhaustion. When this happens, you may feel achy, nervous, sleep-deprived, and nauseous. 

This condition is called adrenal fatigue, and it can also lead to hormonal hair loss. When your adrenals are busy making extra cortisol, they make less of the hormones that your hair needs for healthy growth. 

Can you naturally stop hair loss and promote health hair?

If you have started to notice the symptoms of hair loss, you may wonder if there are steps you can take to naturally stop it. The key to addressing the problem is to uncover the root cause. The best first place to start is changing lifestyle habits that can contribute to hair loss. 

Reduce Stress

Consider if there are any unhealthy, stress-inducing triggers in your life that may be expediting your hair loss. If you have recently (within the last year) experienced a major life change such as moving or changing jobs, financial strain, or other sources of intense stress at home or work, your hair loss may be linked to these situations. 

Though more easily said than done, taking time to relax is vital to reducing stress. As little as ten minutes a day of mindful meditation can help reduce signs and symptoms of stress. Meditation doesn’t have to happen in a seated position or on a yoga mat. Simply find a quiet space in your car or office, close your eyes, focus on your breathing and clear your mind. Other tactics, like going on an “unplugged” vacation or speaking to a therapist can be a start to reducing stress. 

Check Your Diet

Nutritional deficiency can be a significant contributor to hair loss. Individuals who go on crash diets or eat too few calories or missing vital nutrients often experience hair loss. A balanced diet, rich in nutritious foods and low in sugars, processed foods, and saturated fats can support healthy hair and reduce hair loss. 

Stop hair loss with help from EVEXIAS Medical Centers

Best Treatments for Hair Loss

When simple at-home fixes don’t work for your hair loss, it’s time to seek support. A certified healthcare professional can help you get to the root cause of your hair loss and create a treatment plan that can help stop hair loss and in some cases support regrowth. 


Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources that are proven to provide real medicinal or health benefits. In this case, there are several that can contribute to healthy hair growth, and adding them to your routine can make a major difference. 

Vitamin D

Sufficient levels of vitamin D are necessary to support the growth and stimulation of new, healthy hair follicles. Deficiencies can cause a range of symptoms, including hair loss. 

B Vitamins

B vitamins strengthen your red blood cells and help them grow. This can rejuvenate your cells and naturally support your hair follicles. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps your body build collagen. Collagen helps strengthen your blood vessels, makes your skin more elastic and helps your hair grow. 


Zinc optimizes your immune function, which makes you less vulnerable to disease and infection. When your levels are low, it can put stress on your body, which leads to hair loss. 


Iron helps your body produce a protein called hemoglobin. Present in your red blood cells, hemoglobin carries oxygen to the cells throughout your body, repairing them and helping them grow. This includes the cells responsible for hair growth. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy

If your hair loss is attributed to hormonal imbalance, you may benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

For women, these treatments are usually designed to address low estrogen levels. In this case, HRT can help restore those levels, allowing women to ward off menopausal symptoms and slow the effects of hair loss. This type of treatment would combine both estrogen and progesterone.

For men, the treatment is often designed to increase testosterone levels and is referred to as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Metabolic code

Metabolic Code is a program that uses an online assessment to understand a patient’s health condition and unique lab biomarkers. The program often reveals that patients with hair loss are deficient in key nutrients, such as B12, magnesium, or glutamine.

Using this data, the program helps practitioners create a customized roadmap for each patient which may include treatments such as:

If your practitioner believes that your hair loss may be linked to a deeper health issue, then Metabolic Code can help them get to the bottom of it and address it.

Microneedling for Hair Loss

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves creating tiny punctures in the skin with a specialized device called a dermaroller. This technique has gained popularity as a treatment option for hair loss because it promotes natural hair growth by stimulating the
production of collagen, elastin, and new blood vessels.

During a microneedling session, the dermaroller creates thousands of tiny punctures in the scalp, which stimulates the skin to produce growth factors that encourage hair growth. Additionally, the punctures create channels that allow for better absorption of topical hair growth products, such as minoxidil, or hair growth serums.

Research studies have shown that microneedling can be an effective treatment for hair loss in both men and women, especially when used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments. In a 2013 study, researchers found that microneedling combined with certain ingredients was more effective in promoting hair growth. EVEXIAS Medical Centers offers exclusive treatmenoptions that incorporate microneedling and a proprietary formulation for effective results. Overall, microneedling is a safe and effective treatment option for individuals experiencing hair loss, and it can help stimulate natural hair growth without surgery.

Stop Hair Loss at EVEXIAS Medical Centers

If you are struggling with hair loss, you’re not alone. Still, you don’t have to address this issue on your own. Sometimes, it can help to continue the conversation with a trusted medical professional.

At EVEXIAS Medical Centers, you will have access to a range of treatments designed to address hair loss, including nutraceuticals, hormone pellet therapy, and Metabolic Code lifestyle management.