Solutions to Stress Overload

Facebook Instagram Youtube Solutions to Stress Overload And the nagging emotional and physical symptoms tagging along for the ride We all experience stress in our day-to-day lives. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can pose serious health risks and annoying symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, fatigue and weight gain, not to mention stubborn belly fat. […]

Want to Feel Like a Million Bucks?

Facebook Instagram Youtube Get Your Brain, Gut and Immune System in Synch Many people tend to place different chronic illnesses in separate, tidy, little silos and look for cures in pill form. Have high blood pressure? There’s a pill for that. Feeling anxious and depressed? Pop a pill! If you find yourself stuck in this […]

Prostate and BPH-The More You Know

Facebook Instagram Youtube Everything you ever wanted to know about the prostate and BPH … but were afraid to ask What’s the one thing 50% of men ages 51-60 (and 8% of men in their 40s) have in common? A condition commonly known as enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). While the risk of BPH […]

Detox and the Metabolic Code®

Facebook Instagram Youtube Detoxing, Diets and Mental Health How to achieve a smaller waistline and good health—for life Do you want to lose 10 pounds fast or finally lose weight for good? Many people are intrigued by the promises of detox diets. After all, didn’t Beyoncé lose all that weight on the Lemonade Detox Diet? […]

Two Sexual Issues You Don’t Have to Accept

Facebook Instagram Youtube You don’t have to take it anymore! Two Sexual Health Issues You Don’t Have to “Accept” Aging, certain health issues, hormone imbalance, medications and other reasons may be to blame if you’re suffering from sexual dysfunction or urinary incontinence. That doesn’t mean you have to accept it! There are steps you can […]

What causes thyroid disorders?

Besides the aging process, there are many things that have been linked to sub-optimal thyroid function. Aside from the ones listed previously, stress, low calorie diets, chronic pain, etc., below are a few others you may not have thought of. Estrogen, Environmental Toxins, Iodine Levels and More It has long been accepted that estrogen has […]